Lamborghini Diablo
After relying on a 30-pin iPod for far too many years, our client was ready to modernize the electronics and audio of this Lamborghini Diablo. With such a unique specification, we wanted to maintain and expand upon the original look from the factory with its all green, alligator textured interior. High on the desired features list was CarPlay, and we landed on the PCCM head-unit as the best possible solution, which gave the Lamborghini the much needed technological update that it desired. Next up was to add in the Morel 3-way speakers to the doors which was achieved by carefully removing the leather and reworking the panel to hold new 6.5” and 3” speakers in place of the 5 ¼” speakers. Custom tweeter pods were also molded into the top of the doors near the sail panels. At a first glance the scissor doors appear to be unmodified, which aligned with our goal for this vehicle.
Just like the door speakers, we wanted the subwoofer to uphold an original look as well. Luckily there was enough room behind the driver seat where the original sub was located that it could be modified to hold an 8w7 JL audio subwoofer. Much like the process with the door panels we removed the sub enclosure and made it larger as well as more rigid to fully handle the new and vastly more powerful sub.To power and DSP tune all of the new additions, we chose the JL audio VX800/8i for the speakers and an XD600/1 for the sub. We also created a laser etched panel to house the usb for CarPlay and the digital control knob for the VXi amp. Onto the front of the vehicle, we had more freedom for the looks of the frunk but we still wanted to lose as little space as possible for storage. We achieved this by mounting one amp on the wall where the previous amp was and the other on the floor to only lose a couple of inches of depth by creating a new floor over the amp. Aesthetically we wanted to bring the amazing interior theme into the trunk. Finding matching green leather to wrap the accent pieces in and creating alligator laser etched acrylic to fit over the amps with full RGB led edge lighting really set the trunk off as a one of a kind showpiece! Now that the audio was done the next thing to tackle was some miscellaneous issues with the factory alarm and various electrical issues in the car. Upon digging into the car we found both door triggers had failed and the drivers side window sensor. Replaced both items along with a new passenger door strut and added a new Viper 2-way alarm with keyless entry to further update the electronics and offer much better protection to the Lamborghini with all of its new goodies inside!